Miembro del equipo ideólogo y desarrollador de la plataforma masqueunacasa.org. Profesora de la Escuela de Arquitectura de Málaga.
belongs to the following collectives:
has participated in:
- The Neighborhood and women since about 11 years
- The house since about 11 years
- Women and the city since about 11 years
- Stopping evictions since about 11 years
- Corralas de vecinas since about 11 years
- Social work 'the PAH' (Social association of affected by mortgage) since about 11 years
- Squatting unoccupied buildings since over 11 years
- Dation in payment since over 11 years
- How do we the women think the house? since over 11 years
- How can we back the defense of the right to a home? since over 11 years