How do we the women think the house?


To conceive the places we inhabit from a woman's point of view leads us to rethink space, the city and the house itself. This means making movement easier between the different day to day spaces of women, making sure itineraries are accessible and designing agreeable and secure spaces. It also entails the multiplication of meeting places, like parks and squares—in the neighborhood or within the housing complexes themselves—that enable social interaction. Within the house itself there is a drive to create coexistence and participation in domestic chores by creating open and multifunctional spaces.


Rojas Alma
over 6 years ago
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over 6 years ago
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over 6 years ago
I agree with the context above. Apart from decorating the house, a woman who is housewife will also think about the safety of home. In rainy season one should keep their home safe from unwanted guests like bed bugs, rats, termites and many more creepy pests. Thus, contacting a professional best exterminator NYC ( ) would be the best option for exterminating these pests.
Maria Josep Celobert
over 11 years ago
Gracias Observatori DESC por aportar este contenido!!
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